Saturday, December 23, 2017

टिम -टिम करते तारे

टिम -टिम करते आसमान में,
कितने सारे तारे हैं। 

इनको देखो तो लगता है, 
जग मे सबसे न्यारे हैं। 

नीले - पीले  कुछ चमकीले,
ये तो प्यारे- प्यारे हैं। 

गिंनती नहीं है तारो की,
हो सेना जैसे हजारों की। 

रात  भर ये जगते हैं,
सबसे  बातें करते हैं। 

न जाने सूरज मामा से ये क्यों इतना डरते है, 
फिर भी देखो आसमान हरदम हॅसते रहते हैं। 

नाम - नंदिनी 
कक्षा - 4 
(अपना स्कूल तातियागंज)

सब्जियां बोली

आलू बोला मुझको खालो,
मैं तुमको मोटा कर दूंगा। 

पालक बोली मुझको खालो,
मैं तुमको ताकत दे दूँगी। 

बैगन , गोभी ने मुँह खोले, 
शलजम, गाजर,मटर भी बोले।

अगर हमें भी खाओगे,
तो खूब बड़े हो जाओगे। 

नाम : जूली 
कक्षा : 4 
(अपना स्कूल तातियागंज)


हम बेटियाँ क्या है ? हमें कोई नहीं जानता।  
हम है दुनिया के उजाले ,यहाँ हमें कोई नहीं पहचानता। 

दुनिया करती है अपने ऐशो अराम की खोज। 
लेकिन दुनिया हम बेटियों को, समझती अपने सिर का बोझ। 

हमारा कोई साथ दे या न दे ,चलना हमें है आता।  
बस हमें है जन्म देने वाली माँ की जरुरत । 

माँ मत करना भ्रूण हत्या ,होकर मजबूर। 
माँ हम बेटियों को दुनियाँ देखनी है जरूर। 

करने है हमे कुछ काम ऐसे, जिसमे हो कुछ साथी सच्चे। 
अगर ऐसी माँ हो सबके पास ,तो कितने खुश हो सारे बच्चे। 

हम बेटियों की हो, हमारी खुद की अपनी पहचान। 
हमारे काम से ही जाने ,हमे ये धरती और आसमान ।  

                                                                                        नाम - हेमा 
                                                                     कक्षा -  9 
                                                                     (अपना स्कूल तातियागंज)


Friday, December 8, 2017

"Sudha Opportunity Scholarship to 5 Girls

"Sudha Opportunity Scholarship to 5 Girls
Pragati Foundation founded by Dr. Ashok Gupta, an alumnus of IIT Kanpur, supports meritorious students to continue their studies in Class 9 and beyond through Sudha Opportunity Scholarship, constituted in name of here wife late Mrs Sudha Gupta. Out of 7 recipients of SOS this year, 5 girls were graduates of Apna Skool. Alka, Anjali, Hema, Ranu and Roli received the scholarship which would cover their tuition fee, books and other educational expenses for continuing their education in Class 9 of mainstream schools. More information about Pragati Foundation can be obtained from ."

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Apna Skool participation in Vanya Praani Saptah (1st to 7th Oct. 2017)

Vanya Praani Saptah’17 was celebrated in Zoological Park, Kanpur. An inter-school competitions were organized, in which students of around 45 schools(2000 students) were participated. It was held on 3rd, 4th,6th oct 2017. Children of migrant workers from Apna Skool Education centre competed in the competition. A detail related to the result of Apna Skool Kids is given below:

Ashok (5th) won third prize in "Guitar playing" (Sub junior group)- Apna Skool Tatiyaganj.

Madhusudan (5th)  won  Second prize in "Essay"  (Sub junior group)- Apna Skool Tatiyaganj

Sangeeta (7th) Indu , Ranjani ,Kamini & Malti  (6th) won Third prize in "Group Song - Geet suhana Gaye Paryavaran....”(Junior group)- Apna Skool Tatiyaganj

Alka and Roli (9th) won  Second prize in "Rangoli" (Senior group) - Apna Skool Dhamikheda

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Article on 'Apna Skool' in Lokmat (22/06/2017)

There is an article on 'Apna Skool' in Lokmat, Lucknow edition of June. 22, 2017. Please click the link.

Newspaper Clippings (24/06/2017)

बंधक बनाकर झारखण्ड और  झाँसी (यू.पी.) के मजदूरों से वी.आई.पी/शिव शक्ति  ईट भट्ठा सरसौल में काम लिया जा रहा था। मजदूरों की इस बेबसी की जानकारी "अपना स्कूल " (जागृति बाल विकास समिति) के कार्यकर्ता को हुई ,तो उन्होंने नर्वल के एस डी एम को जानकारी दी और "अपना स्कूल " की ओर से 50 किलो चावल भी मजदूरों में वितरित किये। 
श्रम विभाग ने 24 घंटे के अंदर मजदूरों के बकाया भुगतान का नोटिस दिया  तथा भुगतान न करने पर भट्ठा मालिक पर मुकदमा  दर्ज करने की बात कही।  
झारखण्ड के 22 मजदूरों का बकाया भुगतान दिनाँक 29/06/17 को कर दिया है। 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Result of 10th class (Apna Skool)

 UP Board 10th class result has announced on 09 June '17 and four children from Apna Skool have passed the examination. All of them are the children of brick kiln workers and first generation learners. 
S.N            Name            Total Marks                  Percentage
 1               Rahul              400/600                      66%
 2               Amit                352/600                     58.66 %
 3               Ajay                344/600                      57.33 %
 4               Niranjan           334/600                      55.66 % 

Thanks to all of you for your kind support. 

Success Story of Mukesh in his own words

MUKESH- My journey from Apna Skool to Azim Premji University

I, like my fellow villagers from Ranchi, used to migrate seasonally along with his parents to brick kilns of Kanpur,UP for livelihood. My family used to engage in the process of taking out the baked bricks from the kilns and transporting them. While our stay in Kalra 1 brick kiln in Tatiyaganj area of Kanpur, I was enrolled in  Apna Skool, a  network of education centres for the children of migrant workers in brick kilns in Kanpur. Charmed by their innovative methods of learning, I attended the Apna skool education centre there when I got free from assisting my parents in their work. Completing my studies in Apna Skool till Class 4, I got selected in the first batch of kids in Apna Ghar, a  residential hostel where the kids stay year-long so that their studies go on un-interrupted while their parents migrate back to their native place. Along with studies, I used to participate in dramatics and writing poems.
I completed my education till Class 12 while staying in Apna Ghar from 2006 to 2014, and then enrolled myself for graduation. I was taken by Apna Kendra- supported by RV Foundation- to allow me to focus on my studies along with preparation for Azim Premji University. I also worked as a teacher in Apna Skool during my graduation, teaching kids like myself for whom education was the only tool to break away from the vicious cycle of brick-kilns.
I applied for MA (Education) programme of Azim Premji University and cleared the written exam held on January 22, 2017. Then I appeared for the interview at Patna on March 03 and got selected in that too. Now I will be joining the Bangaluru campus this month for a new journey.